
Benefits of Using Blue-Screen/Blue- Light Glasses

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Blue light is a short wavelength light spectrum that produces higher amounts of energy. It is also known as High Energy Visible (HEV) light. These light waves can be found everywhere around us in the sun’s rays, fluorescent lighting, and screens of electronic devices. Our generation is highly exposed to blue light more than ever before! If you belong to the majority of people these days, you use your devices for at least 7-9 hours a day. And excessive exposure to blue light can be harmful to your eyes and overall lifestyle.

Fortunately, blue-light-blocking glasses and screens are available to protect yourself from these unnatural sources of blue light. Here are a few reasons you should consider these glasses.

Better sleep

The blue light in sun rays regulates our circadian rhythm. Circadian rhythm is our sleeping cycle. Blue light decreases the amount of melatonin in our body and keeps us alert during the daytime. When the sun starts to set, the melatonin levels in our bodies increase. Melatonin is the hormone that helps us fall asleep.

When we are exposed to the blue light emitting from the digital screens past the sunset, our circadian rhythm and sleep will get disturbed. A majority of us even use the screens laying in bed and expect to get deep sleep. Well, blue-light blocking glasses and screens can help with this issue to a great extent.

Less eye strain

Excessive screen time can hurt your eyes in many ways. Eye strain and frequent headaches are common symptoms of digital/computer eye vision syndrome. You may have these issues if you are someone who works with screens all day and someone who spends their leisure time on screens. Your eyes can largely benefit from blue-light- blocking glasses.

Our eyes are evolved to adapt to natural light and not to light emitted from digital screens. The intense blue rays from the screens can irritate the light-sensitive tissue in the backs of our eyes. There are many exercises and lifestyle changes you can try to help with computer eye vision syndrome. Getting a pair of blue-light-blocking glasses is an important one among the solutions for this issue!

Prevent certain eye diseases

Excessive and continued exposure to digital screens for years can contribute to the development of certain eye diseases like age-related macular degeneration. Age- related macular degeneration or AMD is a problem that arises when the macula (a part of your retina) is damaged. When you develop this eye disease, you lose your central vision gradually. It will become hard for you to focus on objects and see fine details. Over time, this disease can cause blindness.

Using blue-light-blocking glasses and screens can give you some protection from the damaging light rays from the screens.

Apart from these benefits, blue-cut lenses do have many other big small advantages that can contribute to better eye health and overall better life. These lenses are available in different qualities. Make sure to get a pair of high-quality lenses to ensure maximum protection for your eyes because your device is definitely here to stay.

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